Thursday 29 December 2011

Home-made Dog Treat Recipes!

My new favorite website for ideas on dog treat/cookie recipes!

Given the terrifying amount of toxins and general garbage found in processed dog treats you buy at the pet or grocery store, and how fast and EASY home-made recipes are, there's no reason not to make your own!  Not only is home-made healthier for you beloved furry companion(s) because YOU decide what goes in them, it's cheaper than always buying box after box of  Milk-bones or  Beggin' Strips. A small bag of flour, a jar of natural peanut butter, some olive oil, and bam! You're set! And if your dog has allergies to wheat? No problem! There are tons of alternatives for dogs with allergies!

In the future, I'll share some of my own, favorite recipes on this blog! So keep an eye out for some great Taffy-Approved goodies that you can try for your own dog! :)


Wednesday 28 December 2011

Killing our Pets with every Meal.

Here's a great article outlining why you should always read the label on your pet's treats and food!

I used to feed my dog Milk-Bone products as training treats. But after reading the ingredients list carefully, and then reading this article, I now feed my dog home-made cookies instead!!

Tuesday 27 December 2011

Are there really "Non-Shedding" and "Hypoallergenic" Dogs?

These are two of what I find to be the most annoying of all buzz-words out there today in the dog-related pet trade.  Flashy words coined by backyard breeders and brokers for puppy mills. Designed to make dog ownership more attractive to those who truly shouldn't own a dog. Mainly, people who are allergic to dogs, and people obsessed about preventing pet hair from landing on their expensive furniture or rugs.

Is there such a thing as a "Non-Shedding" dog? 

No. There isn't. All mammals with hair shed it. Humans shed around fifty to a hundred hairs a DAY. Stands to reason that if you've got hair or fur, at some point it falls out in order for the follicle to be able to grow the replacement. People who swear up and down that Poodles or poodle hybrids (mixes) don't shed, are completely wrong. They drop hair less, because instead of falling on the floor like it would with a dog that has straight hair like a Husky or a Lab', the curled shafts intertwine and get caught within the coat. The hair creates mats and knots instead of dropping onto the floor or sofa. Therefore it LOOKS like the dog isn't shedding, or is shedding less. But in truth it's shedding just like all other dogs shed, the only difference is in the shape of the hair shaft and the mats it creates, instead of falling straight out. So any time you see some "Breeder" swearing up and down that their Yorkie, Westie, Poodle, Cotton de Tullier, etc puppies "don't shed, or are "non-shedding". They're preying on the ignorance of the general public, and lack of education of most new dog owners. There is no such thing as a dog that doesn't shed. In truth, breeds known for shedding less (such as poodles) require MORE grooming and care for their coats to remain healthy and to prevent medical problems, than dogs that are perceived to shed more (like Pugs). Even the rare Mexican Hairless, aka Xoloitzcuintli... has hair on certain parts of it's body. Not much, but it's there, and there fore it will shed.

Now, is there such a thing as "Hypoallergenic" dog?

Hypoallergenic is defined as; "Designed to reduce or minimize the possibility of an allergic response, as by containing relatively few or no potentially irritating substances."

"The major dog allergen, called Can f 1, is primarily found in dog saliva. Unlike cat allergen, which is found in the dander from sebaceous glands in the skin, the skin of dogs does not appear to be a major source of Can f 1. Dog albumin, a protein found in the blood, is also an important allergen, and may cross-react with albumin from other mammals, including cats." 

Even if a dog is hairless (Like a Xolo', or Chinese Crested), it still produces allergens that can and DO cause allergic reactions in humans. Dogs lick themselves to groom, they drool, and they pant to regulate their body temperature. Therefore, they are perpetually spreading the allergens in their saliva over their bodies and their living environment. It's unavoidable. So no, there's no such thing as a truly hypoallergenic breed of dog. If a person has allergies to dogs, they should not own one unless they find a way to deal with the reactions, such as injections or medications that can be prescribed by a Doctor to minimize the effects. However, if the person's allergies are severe, ownership of any breed of dog should be avoided.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Great American-Made Amish Leather Dog Gear!

There is an amazing ebay store that I, and a trainer friend of my have come to love. They offer hand-made, Amish-American,  leather dog gear at AMAZING prices. A true American Treasure!

And this stuff is not only beautiful, but tough! Check it out!
(They sell other items too.)

Taffy has one of their 33foot lunge-line/schutzhund leashes, and it's been through everything. Water, sand, mud, grass, and has held up perfectly over the past six years!

And where else can you get a seven-foot leather Police Style dog lead for $17usd..? ;)

Feel free to contact the seller directly about the dog products. They're wonderful to work with and will sell items direct to you without you having to bid on items posted on ebay itself.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Treats and Toys for Christmas!

Here's a list of Taffy approved treats and toys to give you ideas on what to get your fur-babies for Christmas! (Or the fur-babies of friends and/or family) ;)

  • Kong Company.
Kong company is a tried and true hit around here! From the stuff-able Classic Kong, to the squeaky-awesomeness that is the Squeezz Product line! Taffy has a particular fondness for the Kong Genius. But no matter which one you pick, Kong products rock! Especially for strong dogs that play hard.

  • JW Pet Products.
JW Pets has a huge variety of toys. Not only for dogs, but cats, birds, fish, and small animals! Taffy's personal favorites include the Cuz Toys, Megalast Toys, and the Ruffians Chicken! JW Pets are fun, and they last!

  • Nylabone.
Nylabone is a great company! Full of great chews and toys for every size and age of dog. From Toy breed Puppies, to Giant breeds! Taffy enjoys a good chew on her chicken flavored Nylabone flexi-chew.

  • Tuffie Toys.
 Awesome "plush" toys that are designed for rough play and are much more sturdy than your average plush squeaker toy. Amazing products that when taken care of can last a long time, even with stronger dogs. Taffy's top favorites are Lil Oscar Octopus (there's an even tougher version called Arnold), Harry the Hobo Spider (Desert Series, if you find it grab it because they're no longer in production!), and to a lesser extent Scorch the Scorpion (Also one of the Desert Series). Tuffie Toys has all sizes and designs, so check 'em out, there's a good chance you'll find something your little furry buddy will enjoy playing with!

  • Natural Shed Deer/Elk Antler Chews.
Just as the name says. There are many companies that now offer this product. Our preferred brands include This and That, Bully Sticks, and Pets4Life. They're much better than bones. They don't stink or splinter, don't break off in big pieces that can cause intestinal blockage, . (We prefer whole ones vs the split pieces).

Now, as for TREATS....

Taffy says some sure-fire winners include Natural Balance Healthy Bones dog treats, Tillman's Treats, Bull Pizzles, Charlie Bear Dog Treats, Pedigree DentaStix, Smokehouse Duck and Sweet Potato Dog Treats, and of course Home Made Peanut Butter and Pumpkin Dog Treats (easy Recipe)!

We hope this gives you a few ideas for what to get that furry little someone in your life for Christmas!! 

(Each  Owner is responsible for determining the suitability of these products for their own Pet(s).)  ;)

How long does it take?

I get this question a lot.  "How long will it take you to groom ___ ?"

The time it takes to groom a dog is dependent on many factors. The dog's breed, size, coat condition, and temperament. But also, the biggest factor I've found, is drying time after the bath. 

You can't get a quality end result if you rush through the process, or if the dog gets stressed out. 

The first time a pet is groomed by a new person, it often takes longer because you're actually getting to know the dog and it's quirks. You get a feel for temperament (Is Fluffy fearful, dominant, easy-going, etc?), if it has the physical ability to stand still for long periods (Is Fluffy overweight, does it have luxating patellas, or hip problems?), does it need breaks in between parts of the process to just chill out, etc. Once the dog gets used to things, the process can move along faster without risk of stressing the dog.

For example, the first time I groom a dog, it may take three and a half hours start to finish (eg Miniature Schnauzer or Shih tzu). I go slower on purpose. Offering treats along the way if permitted, I get to know what the dog will and will not tolerate. Some dogs don't like their nails cut, feet touched, or their ears being plucked, so that part of the process may take longer. Do a little, then stop and come back to it later during the process. All to make sure the dog does not have a negative memory associated with the experience. The next time that same dog gets groomed, it may only take three hours, or two and three quarters of an hour... all because we're taking our time and making it as stress-free and positive an experience as possible.

A bigger dog like an Australian Shepherd or Shetland Sheepdog, may take four to four and a half hours, sometimes longer. Its all about brushing-out and drying time with breeds that have lots of hair (that is NEVER to be shaved!).

These times are estimates of course. Some dogs can get done faster than others. It is always totally dependent on what the DOG is willing to tolerate. Some dogs just don't like it when you push them through the grooming process for the sake of expediency. Others don't mind it at all, and may do better when on the table for a shorter period of time. 

So. Again. The answer to that all important question of,  "How long?" is, it will take as long as the dog is comfortable with it taking. I do not agree to compromising the quality of the work, and adversely effect the stress levels of the dog for the sake of getting the dog out the door faster.  

Monday 5 December 2011

Breed Policy.

I'd like to state publicly, that Taffy's Small Breed Dog Grooming in no way supports Breed Specific Legislation, canine discrimination, or any other form of canine bigotry.

We love ALL dogs, of ALL breeds. We believe that irresponsible dog owners need to be held accountable for their dog's behavior, regardless of whether their dog is a Chihuahua, or a Chow chow.

We may not be able to groom all types of dog do to space restrictions. But that doesn't mean we don't love them all. A Dog is a Dog, regardless of the length of it's coat, the width of it's head, or it's color. A Pit Bull is just as deserving of  clean water, fresh food, Veterinary care, a warm bed, and a loving owner as a Pomeranian or a Poodle.

 So please keep in mind when you contact us, that if we decline your dog due to it's breed, it's not because we don't like "those kinds of dogs", but it's probably because we cannot accommodate some dogs due to size and space restrictions. Hopefully the day will come when we WILL be able to groom nearly every breed of dog, but right now we are limited to dogs no bigger than 50lbs (give or take).

Thank you.

Sunday 4 December 2011

Welcome to Taffy's Small Breed Dog Groomin's Blog on Blogspot!!

Hi folks! Welcome to our new Blog!

We plan on posting all kinds of neat stuff here. Everything from dog-related stories, grooming tips, important news articles, photos of happy dogs, to chances to win discounts or even FREE grooming sessions for the fur-baby(ies) in your life!!


Who is Taffy's Small Breed Dog Grooming? Simple! A Groomer that works out of her home! Home-based Grooming is a less stressful alternative to the high-volume, nosily, stressful Pet Store Salon!  Dogs get the benefit of a happy, dog-savvy home environment, while they get professionally groomed by a Certified Groomer! 

We specialize in grooming  "small" and "toy" breeds and mixes, to dogs considered "medium" in size. Everything from the smallest teacup Chihuahua or tiny Toy Poodle, to dogs as large as 50lbs like Australian Shepherds and Springer Spaniels. Due to space restrictions however, we cannot groom larger breeds such as Golden Retrievers or Standard Poodles at this time.

Only one appointment at a time guarantees that each client pet gets the maximum amount of one-on-one time, making the process faster, less stressful, and more enjoyable for everyone involved! The use of professional grade equipment and shampoos means the client pet's come out not only feeling great, but looking like a million bucks! 

Taffy's Small Breed Dog Grooming do not use Cage, or Velocity Dryers. All pets are dried with hand-held dryers to facilitate a better bonding experience between the pet and Groomer, and less stress (as hand-held dryers are not as noisy)!

All shampoos we use are oatmeal based. Meant for use on Dogs! They are gentle, help moisturize dry skin, are clean-rinsing, great for dogs with allergies, and leave the coat shiny and smelling great! We do not use products made from Coal Tar, or containing Eucalyptus. 

To learn more about Taffy's Small Breed Dog Grooming, visit our Page on Facebook!!
Our Facebook Page!